You’ve pulled the trigger on that bargain black Friday flat screen TV …now what? Yep, the task of mounting that bad boy can send even the most savvy DIYers among us running for the hills. Anchoring a TV directly into studwork is always the most reliable, secure method of installation but it’s often the case that the stud position is incompatible with our interior design vision. This is where GeeFix is valuable DIY arsenal.
The GeeFix wall anchors are engineered to maximize the surface area of the load bearing back plate that’s inserted into the wall cavity. This property makes GeeFix an ideal candidate for fixing flat screen TVs onto drywall, be it directly on to the wall, or on an articulating arm. Independent load tests results conducted on 5/8 inch drywall revealed that GeeFix outperforms the leading wall anchor brands, having a maximum shear load strength of 595 lbs, with cantilever maximum loads as follows:
535 lbs @ 3 inches from the wall’s surface
423 lbs @ 6 inches from the wall’s surface
224 lbs @ 12 inches from the wall’s surface
Take a look at our how-to video to see how to use GeeFix to mount that bargain black Friday flat screen TV!