YouTube Review by Charlie DIYte

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“A stronger plasterboard fixing than anything I’ve ever encountered before” – Charlie DIYte In November we approached DIY YouTuber Charlie DIYte with a request to review the GeeFix drywall anchors. As subscribers to his YouTube channel, we knew we could count on him to provide an objective assessment and comprehensive demonstration of the anchors. Charlie didn’t … Read more

Testing Spring Toggles, GripIt Fixings & GeeFix

Testing Spring Toggles, GripIt Fixings and GeeFix Fixings

Testing GeeFix next to Gripit fixing and Spring Toggles proving GeeFix’s unrivaled strength is stronger than market leaders making GeeFix the ultimate cavity fixing. We had some fun demonstrating how GeeFix stacks up against two wall anchor market leaders: Spring Toggle and GripIt. As you can see, GeeFix came out on top, supporting the weight … Read more